Nestled between the Caribbean, the South Pacific, and the South Atlantic Oceans, South America is the wilder of the Americas, and a continent of superlatives. The history, culture, crafts and food are hard to beat. Incan traditions in the Andes, in particular, are a huge draw. Latin, new world, southern hemisphere sensibilities converge in a unique way. The Andes and the Amazon dominate the continent with extreme geographic and climactic consequences. The high, dry, cool mountains rising up from a tropical jungle river.
We’ve only made one trip to this part of the world: a seven week odyssey that took us to Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. A magnificent trip overall, the ruins of Macchu Picchu, the Andes, the Incan traditions, and the history were highlights. Travel was safe and easy and relatively inexpensive.
Peru and Bolivia were favourites, Ecuador was lovely, just a lot less dramatic and more generic. Peru and Bolivia have kept their historic pasts, particularly indigenous, alive, making them much more stimulating and interesting.