Vernon, British Columbia
The 29th annual Big Chill, hosted by Donna & Ron, at their lovely Jackpine Road home, begins with an evening of Mexican food, wine, and lots of political debate. With a federal election looming, los tres amigos (Jim, Don & Craig) predictably disagree on most points, including many of the so-called facts.
Jeanne & Don supply t-shirts for all. They serve to remind us of Ron’s recent misadventure in the lake and subsequent miraculous survival and recovery from cardiac arrest. We celebrate his remarkable resilience!!! And his 65th birthday.
Jenny and Scott (a Big Chill virgin) arrive late to find most of us still up, although not particularly coherent.
Friday begins with a hike up the mountain for the non-golfers, plus neighbour Vivienne, her dogs Maggie and Bella and local hound Kia. We meet the golfers later downtown for pub food.
Saturday finds us piling into vehicles and heading for Starbucks to start a winery tour. Grey Monk, Arrowleaf and Ex Nihilo are our targets. Many bottles are purchased. We have a late lunch at Predator Ridge, then hurry back to Jackpine Road to prepare for guests. A fire pit, sit down pot luck dinner, some dancing, more fire pit and the inevitable drunken political debate, this time pitting Jen against Jim. You go girl!
We eat cake in honour of Jeanne’s 59th.
Sunday morning is a bit lazy. Apparently some got into tequila shooters on Saturday night. The unambitious take the chair lift to the top of Silver Star while the more ambitious walk. We hike around, mostly downhill, dodging mountain bikers, and return to the village for lunch at the Bulldog.
A left-overs dinner on Sunday night is somewhat subdued as we have exhausted all possible avenues of Harper trashing. Kyle is preparing for his upcoming trip to south-east Asia and talk turns to travel.
Next year’s party is tentatively planned for Palm Springs in June. Jim turns 60 in November of this year, Shelley, Craig and Jeanne in June and September next year so the Palm Springs week will be focused on celebrating those milestones. And golfing, wine tasting, poolside lounging and, no doubt, more political haggling! Should be fun!!
mobile says:
I couⅼdn’t resiѕt commenting. Exceptionally well written!